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Start-up Enterprise Directory

Start-up Enterprise Directory

The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (GDETO) attaches great importance to the development of Hong Kong youth in the Mainland.  In 2021, GDETO organised the “Online Exchange Session on Youth Entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)” to introduce policies for youth entrepreneurship, as well as information on taxation and financing.  It also published the "Youth Entrepreneurship Map" to introduce major youth entrepreneur bases recommended by local authorities of the Mainland GBA cities.  All these initiatives were very well-received.  In order to further assist Hong Kong people to start businesses in the Mainland, help them explore the Mainland markets, and introduce Hong Kong start-ups to chambers of commerce and business groups, GDETO has launched the “Start-up Enterprises Directory” in 2022, covering Hong Kong start-up enterprises in the Guangdong Province within five years.

The online version of the Directory with search function is available at:

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